Basic questions you need to ask yourself before you start to write online

So you think you can write online.

What made you think you can write online? 

Are you prepared to write online?

These are a few of the questions you need to ask now that you have made the decision - or probably mulling over the possibility - to write online.

First, is this what you really want to do?

Do you want to write online because you heard it’s lucrative to do so? 

Or maybe you’re thinking of earning a few bucks. 

Or maybe you have a lot of free time on your hands.

Whatever your reason is, know that online writing requires the following:


tons of research,

basic knowledge on grammar,

an ability to organize words enough to make a sensible sentence / paragraph / set of paragraphs,

awareness of your target reader’s perspective,

and the openness to learn from and make mistakes.

If you think or feel you do not meet all or some or most of the above criteria, relax. You can learn all of these along the way  ONLY if you’re willing to stick to it long enough to actually learn them.

So the next question you need to ask yourself now is,

“Is there something else I can do to earn money besides online writing?”

If your answer is yes. It is best that you go ahead and do that. Online writing, similar to other forms of writing, is demanding - time-wise.

You don't choose online writing, online writing chooses you. More appropriately, online writing needs to suit you - your lifestyle, your personality, your needs and your wants

Unless you have been doing it long enough to know how to balance your time, expect long hours of practicing and honing your skill by actually doing some writing.

If you could not think of doing anything else; if you really love to write and want to be good at it, then online writing is for you. If you are willing to do anything and everything to make yourself better, nothing anyone says - including me - could discourage you. If you are not easily discouraged, then you are ready to start.

What are your expectations?

What did you hear about writing online that made you decide to try it out?

Did you hear it will be easy?

Did you hear it will be a walk in the park?

Did you hear that money grows on trees?

Whatever your expectations are, it is best to leave them be and experience online writing yourself. Doing so keeps you from feeling frustrated. Plus, it helps you be open to all the good things writing online brings (and the bad things too but you will eventually learn to avoid these most of the time).

Know that online writing pays – at times a lot and at times none at all.

You could earn $25 for a 250-300 word article or $5 for a 500-word article.

Nothing is set in stone. As long as you’re willing to do the work, your earning potential is limitless.

What are you prepared to do?

Are you prepared to spend your time and energy to write online?

Are you prepared to sit for more than 4 hours on end to churn out online content (articles, blog posts, reviews, etc.)?

Are you prepared to sit all by your lonesome most days in front of the computer?

If you answer yes to all of these, continue reading. If your answer is no, stop right here.

Online writing requires persistence. 

Persistence becomes effortless if you like what you’re doing or at least want to be good at it for its own sake. Remember that your time is precious and so is your energy. Necessity therefore requires that you spend your time and energy in activities you want to do.  There will be frustrations along the road, this is normal in any endeavor both online or offline. But if you are intent to grow – financially and personally – through online writing, then you’re ready to start. 


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